AMaria Francesca Alfonsi, anconetana, journalist and writer, author, for the editorial staff of RAI 3 Market, of services and columns that have given a voice to culture, to social, to the environment of our region, recognition will go“La Fornarina 2020”, awarded each year to a representative of the female world who, in professional activity or volunteering, has distinguished itself in terms of moral profile, dedication to civil growth and empathy for the weakest.
The Fornarina recognition award ceremony 2020, now in its XXIII edition, will take place in San Ginesio, at the Sant'Agostino Auditorium, Saturday 26 September at 10,30.
As per tradition, the recognition is conferred by Confraternity of the Sacconi of San Tommasoin close collaboration with the International Center for Gentilian Studies. These two associations of San Ginesio are both linked to the memory of the great jurist and humanist intellectual, Alberico Gentili (San Ginesio 1552 - London 1608), founding father of modern international law.
Born to an illustrious Sanginese family of men in arms, doctors and jurists, Alberico, like the rest of his relatives and ancestors, belonged to this brotherhood, then godsFlagellants or Beaten, that, founded with an act drawn up at the Vatican Chapter in 1338, still lives and operates in its original complex.
The Study Center has dedicated two of its volumes to the history of almost seven hundred years of life and to the documentary collection of the Brotherhood “CISG Notebooks”, from which it appears as with the other compassionate works of the brothers, such as social assistance for the derelict, legal assistance to illiterates, actions of mercy for prisoners and the dead , alongside the patronage of those pious women who had decided to dedicate themselves to prayer and good deeds, staying in the world, without undergoing monasticism .
Such a singular vocation to understanding a genre that was then without rights, combined with the local legend of the virtuous little baker, which saves the community from the enemy's treacherous nocturnal assault, awakening the town immersed in sleep, and thus giving it the opportunity to defend its municipal freedom, suggested and gave its name to the modern transformation of an ever-present attention to the other half of the sky, which today expresses its social role differently.
The demonstration, sponsored by the Municipality of San Ginesio, with a palmarès of absolute caliber, it will be an opportunity to thank a well-known face and an unmistakable voice of our television journalism, capable of telling the best story, with participation and intelligence, the dramas but also the great excellences of our territory.
Photo and text source Picchionews