The quarantine phase due to the Coronavirus crisis has put healthcare facilities in difficulty. On CAEM/Lodovico Scarfiotti vintage motor club based in Recanati has done its utmost in solidarity by contributing in the month of March, crucial period of the pandemic, with a donation of equipment and consumables to the San Ginesio Rescue and Public Assistance Volunteers Association. The initiative was made official on Saturday at the Town Hall of the Macerata town, with the CAEM Board of Directors which was received by the mayorGiuliano Ciabocco and by the president of the ONLUS AssociationFrancesco Paletti.
“It is no small thing to have available people ready to lend a hand for social purposes – said the Mayor – when CAEM decided to donate this equipment to San Ginesio it was precisely the ideal moment of need for the community in the Covid crisis. I thank you from the bottom of my heart on behalf of all citizens for the beautiful gesture of solidarity. We arevery happy with this relationship also thanks to local friends of CAEM such as Fabrizio Bernabei, and we will continue to be available to collaborate for the club's vintage car and motorbike events, as has already happened several times in the past."

AlsoFrancesco Paletti, president ofginesina Volunteer Association showed great satisfaction: “We received one with great surprise and pridedonation of consumable healthcare materials and above all of two multiparametric oximeters, technologically advanced equipment that is capable of providing many vital parameters in any situation, proved to be fundamental in the first instance during the Covid emergency period, but still useful in the future. We keep this ONLUS Association alive with enormous sacrifices, in a non-thriving area that receives many requests for support. We were born in 1988 when the hospital in San Ginesio was closed. Despite the difficulties we managed to ensure the service 118 and 24 years, when we contributed to forming the first active nucleus in the Macerata area. We are therefore very grateful to CAEM for this closeness, among other things the second opportunity after a previous donation of a defibrillator.”
The president of CAEM/ScarfiottiRoberto Carlorosi he reiterated that he considers the territory extremely important, protagonist of our traveling events with its best tourist peculiarities, cultural and gastronomic. And it is with great attention that the association intends to demonstrate passion and gratitude by also participating in these social initiatives, in particular to those who work directly but with extreme difficulty.
source: WoodpeckerNews